Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Preparation Time

Are you prepared?  That is always an interesting question.  Am I prepared for the marathon that I have entered in June?  To be honest yes?  I am prepared to the extent I can be at this point in the training plan.  I took the time to discover what plan I would need in order to run the coveted time I hope to achieve and have set my course.  So yes.  I am prepared.

But what about other areas of my life?  Am I prepared to handle financial stress?  Or am I prepared to handle losing a job, my health faltering, losing a family member, celebrations such as births, weddings, etc?  That is always a great question! And honestly, there are times in my life where I just don't want to plan and I just want to go with the flow.  Don't tell me you haven't felt that way too, because we all get there.  Sometimes we are in need of a few days to just let our hair down.  And then... we get back to the schedule of life and focus on our day to day lives.

We also know that if we are not careful, and enjoy that break too long it can come back to bite us.  Pastor Joyce has a few things to say about preparation time.  

Preparation Time March 
By Joyce Wyrostek
Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “...remember it is He (God) that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore unto your fathers. " We know that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and that as we have been faithful, God is going to bring blessings that we cannot contain.  This is truth and should capture our immediate attention because it is coming.

Wealth in the hands of men without definite purpose, lack of self-control, or of poorly regulated passions can be a detriment and a snare.  History has shown us that wealth poured out for ministry for those unprepared, was used for personal pleasure and has destroyed good men and women of God. They were simply not prepared to handle large sums of money at one time.

We have the promise of God to supply all of our needs according to His riches in Glory and I’m certain that we see that happening all the time in our life.  We have just enough to keep a roof over our heads and food in our belly plus enough left to occasionally enjoy frivolous spending.  But if we have been locked in a poverty mindset for an extended period of time and have no direct purpose or vision for the use of great wealth how can we be trusted to use it according to God’s intended purpose?

Each of us need to find a time with God so He can reveal His will and purpose for our life, that we may develop the vision, and as a pastor friend of mine ( Jim) quotes from Habakkuk “Write the vision and make it plan so those who read it will run toward it.” What part does He want you to play in this great distribution of wealth?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Devine Positioning

Divine Positioning

Most days as I write this blog, I share something current and then add the teaching of Pastor Joyce as a word to think on or ponder.  Today however this piece is different.  Pastor Joyce's words, though written four years ago, align with what is going on in the world today.   She writes:

"We must realize and get it imbedded in our hearts and minds that we are not just positioned where we are to build a church and get people saved.  We are where we are to expand the kingdom of God through dominion in the seven arenas that shape society; media, government, education, economy, religion, arts and family; if the devil controls these sectors darkness abounds.  The reason he has such a foothold at this time is because the Christians have abandoned their post by believing we are “not in this world” for any other reason than to be blessed and hang on till the rapture comes."

I believe many of us struggle with this.  As a Christian I spent many years feeling guilty because I was not in a specific church ministry.  I can honestly say, that church is not where I've felt called to serve.  Through the years I've worked with children who have been hurt, abused, neglected, and less fortunate.  As a result I loved them for who they are and taught them that they are worthy of love.  Several of them over the years would see my bible on my desk and ask me about it or inquire about my faith.  I only shared when they asked, and never pushed the boundaries of what is allowed in a public school.  One day I was bemoaning the fact that I should be more involved in the church.  I remember Pastor Joyce listening quietly and then gently reassuring me.  She said, "you are the church and you have been called to share Christ wherever he places you".  She explained that all of us are strategically positioned to be influence to those around us.  I love this next piece in her daily word:

"The exciting thing about this is we are a part of this strategic positioning in order to step into areas of influence taking the gospel with us.  God is pouring out His favor on current leaders and those that are climbing the ranks to the top until the Kingdom of God is established on the earth (“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”).  God has his Josephs, Esthers, and Daniels already in place and in an instant He will change the tide and those in holding patterns will be brought to the forefront. Through favor these men/women of God saved nations from disaster.  They lived their lives in complete trust in the God who saw to it they were positioned for His purpose and not one of them was made leader of a Christian nation…They led pagan nations – because it’s not God’s will that any should perish.  

How cool is this?  I believe the ultimate meaning of Go into all the world and preach the gospel... Mark 16:15, is written in her word for today.  As Christians it is not ours to hide in the backdrop.  It is not ours to ignore what's going on as long as it doesn't affect us personally.  But as Christians we are to take a place of influence in our world and share the love of Christ.  

As you enter into this week just before Easter, I encourage you to ponder, "What has God called me to do?"  And then do it with all your might!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Just a Thought

Well, yesterday was Super Tuesday.  We got to see some tempers flair, some people show their true selves, and others throw out garbage on the internet through social media.  I don't even need to share the headlines because I am sure you have seen all of them and then some.  

A friend of mine shared a thought that during the Republican debate the other day we saw history made.  Not history that would be in textbooks, or history that would make us proud.  But entertainment history.  She said that the debates were like watching a reality TV show where people simply are not mature enough to handle themselves and argued like a bunch of "fools" throwing meaningless insults at one another.  As a matter of fact, it was reported that there was really nothing of substance discussed as the candidates just spewed off foolish drivel toward one another.  One candidate even asked to be insulted so he could join the conversation.

Then there was the vote last night.  After the vote, there were clearly hurt egos as candidates continued to hurl slurs at one another.  There are very few people who are not dismayed by this behavior.  But...the vote is not done.  It is not over yet. Primary elections have to be completed throughout the United States.  With that in mind I just can't help but encourage people to vote with their eyes wide open.  Pastor Joyce shares some insight into the heart of the man.  Maybe as we choose our candidates, we need to ask who they are, what they believe, and what they are really saying.  Check out what she writes considering our thoughts and our actions. 

Just a Thought March 3

Solomon in all his wisdom penned the words in Proverbs 23:7, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...” Thousands of thoughts pass through our minds daily; we cannot stop them from coming but we can choose whether they will enter our heart or not.  Most thoughts are benign until they are entertained; the way we entertain them will bring us either life or death; a hardened or softened heart.
Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established.” 
(Established means firmly fixed, unshakable, unmovable); therefore we can build a positive stronghold. This takes work and is a possibility for every believer.  We say, “Whose report will you believe? We will believe the report of the Lord.  In order to believe the report of the Lord we must know what that report is and receive it, speak it, and meditate on it until it moves from a thought and takes residence in the heart.

Paul in the first chapter of Ephesians says that when God raised Christ from the dead he, “…seated Him (Christ) at  His (The Father’s) right hand in heavenly places, far above all principalities and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.”  He goes on to state in Chapter 2:6, “and raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

What that means to us is that every bit of authority Christ has imparted to Him in that right hand position is ours also.  It is in this place that we are given the thoughts of God toward any matter that affects the world we live in. 

Every thought that is contrary to what God’s word says is either from our own opinion or that of the enemy. That is why the Spirit says we must , “Cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captive to the obedience of Christ.” Ponder that!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Knowledge Without Truth- How do you make your Decisions?

I am re-posting this as today is Super Tuesday.  I could not think of anything better to write for a day when we get to choose.  We get to choose who will be on the presidential ticket as the man or woman who will run for president.  As you read today, I encourage you to ask yourself, " How much of what I know is actually the truth?"  

Good luck as you make your decisions today. 

Today I voted.  No, I will not divulge who I voted for.  I will say though that as the Presidential race heats up and as the candidates vie for our votes, I encourage you to research and seek the truth.  I have heard statements like, " I'm voting for Hillary because we need our first woman president."  I've also heard, " I'm voting for Trump because he's not a career politician."  Both statements are beyond absurd.  This is not to say that Hillary or Trump are the better candidate.  However, the reasoning behind either statement is not founded in truly knowing what either candidate stands for. 

I am a social media person as well as one who watches television, reads several online journals and newspapers, and I follow news outlets such as the BBC, Al Jazeera, the New York Times, Dallas Morning News, and several bloggers on twitter.  What I've noticed are sensational headlines that set out to discredit or bring some crazy accusation against a candidate.  You've read them I'm certain.  " Trump reveals the Illuminati", " Carson lied about his scholarship to West Point", " Bernie Sanders is proposing a tax increase if elected president", "If Hillary was telling the truth about wall street speeches she'd release them", " Cruz lies to voters telling them Carson has dropped out of the race".  The headlines go on and on. Some make us angry, some make us laugh, and after a while they desensitize us completely. But as you dissect each headline they all have this in common.  Each one is an effort to divide us from the truth.  The wise will seek the real truth, and be able to read through the headlines in order to make a decision for themselves. 

Pastor Joyce teaches us how knowledge without truth only serves to draw us down a path of ill informed decision making.  Before you read her teaching I leave you with this thought. As you cast your ballot during the primary season, make sure you know the truth about who you are voting for.  Don't let a headline or popular opinion draw the conclusion for you. Make sure you are so informed about the candidate that if you had to defend your choice, you would be able to convince anyone else to vote for your candidate. 

Knowledge Without Truth
The Apostle Paul warns Timothy that in the last days there will be those who will be so ‘self’ consumed they will have a form of godliness but do not love God.  He says of this kind that they are, “learning, learning ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.”
Jesus said in John 16:13, “However, when He the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

Leaders in the Church and members in general may have the ability to quote ever passage of scripture and from their own acquired knowledge know more than most.  These scholars may have studied for years yet they still don’t know the truth.  They may impress the masses with their ability to explain the original Hebrew and Greek relating to the text but still don’t know the truth.

The truth of the scripture and that which makes it a living word; applicable to all current day issues, is only received and discerned by the Spirit.  We are told to test all the spirits that are speaking; this too can only be comprehended by the Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is in us, but if we never listen to what He has to say about interpretation and application of the word we will fall into the same type of godliness that Paul describes to Timothy.  “They creep into households and make captives of the gullible loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.

When we read the scriptures and study text we must always seek the Holy Spirits guidance so that in these last and perilous times we are hearing what God is doing and can ignore the voices that seem to be godly but have no knowledge of truth.