This preamble along with the constitution of the United States of America has given us the right to choose our leaders. This week we enter into the week of Super Tuesday. This is a week where we get to choose the candidates who will run for the office of president. What we need to remember is that in America we get to be individuals. We can vote for anyone we want. And we can make decisions based on faith, on a gamble, on popular opinion, by being informed through research, you name it. As American's we are not held the decision of the leader of the country. We are truly one of the few countries that has this privilege.
So what is the purpose of sharing this with you? As Christians we have this right to individualism because we are Americans. As Americans we are beyond blessed to have the freedom to live as Christians. And in both cases we are charged with making decisions not just in accordance with our desires, but in accordance with the one whom we serve.
If you are a Christian I encourage you today to take some time to really pray about who you should vote for. We do have the power to make a name for ourselves. Not a name that slings mud, not a name that would hurt others through judgmental rhetoric, but a name that honors the one we serve. I encourage you today to make a name for yourself. Step outside the mess and choose to be a rugged individual. But don't do it for fame or fortune. Choose it to honor the one who gives you the true freedom.
Pastor Joyce shares what Rugged Individualism in the Christian faith really looks like.
Rugged Individualism- Joyce Wyrostek February, 29
In our western culture and many other nations of the world
we honor the ones how have made a ‘name’ for themselves and become embedded in
history. The world exalts sports heroes,
lawless gangsters, movie stars who play a part yet do not have any idea who
they are. In essence we envy the rugged individual who beats the odds of defeat
through sheer determination.
Book stores are filled with best sellers that have titles
such as; How to Learn a Language in 30
days, 21 Days to Emotional Freedom, 10 Steps to Building a Successful Business,
How to Cast Vision and Set Goals. This
is only a brief list, indicating there is no limit to anyone who will put their
mind on what they want and go after it in hot pursuit.

The Kingdom of God is the antithesis of the kingdom of
darkness. Jesus did not say His Kingdom
would be comprised of individuals with personal agendas. He said we would be servants, humble and
lowly and He would lift us up. Matthew
23:11-12, “The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Paul tells us that we are a collective body that becomes one
at rebirth in Ephesians 4:5-6, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and
Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.” It is in this
oneness with the Lord that we are, “…fitly joined together and compacted by
that which every joint supplies according to the effectual working in the measure
of every part” Ephesians 4:16.
In this union we are a force to be
reckoned with and the gates of hell will not prevail against us…the only name
that will be glorified is the name of Jesus.
Our rugged individualism gives way to robust oneness in the Holy Spirit.