Monday, January 18, 2016

Underlying Principles

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., today's piece is about understanding  underlying principles.  While I am no expert on Dr. Martin Luther Jr., I am able to deduce the character of the man who gave us all the dream to treat all men and women of all races equally.  His speech was so powerful that it created a momentum that continues today. 

One of the things I noticed in his speech was the faith with which he gave it.  He had faith that mankind could come together for a greater purpose.  His faith was rooted in biblical principal. And that principal is what drove him.  In the United States we have focused on his dream.  We have set our trajectory on his speech.  But what we've forgotten is his underlying principals.  You see, Dr. King was a believer in Christ.  His message was filled with biblical principles. Principles that lead him to have faith, not just in others, but in the future of what could be. 

The most important thing is that what Dr. King relied on, wasn't himself.  He relied on the King of Kings in doing what he believed was God's will.   When Dr. King stated that the crooked places would be made straight he was quoting Isiah 45:2.  He believed that we would work together, pray together, and struggle together.  Dr. King was God's resource.  But God was the ultimate source of forgiveness, love, and justice.

What does all of this mean?  It means that when we look to a resource for the answers we sometimes miss a bit of the message.  Dr. King was the ultimate resource to bring our world together in love an unity.  But his source was the author of all he believed in.  That source held the underlying principles of God.
 Pastor Joyce tells us what this word entails.

Underlying Principles
Reading the Bible is essential for every citizen of the kingdom of God if they expect to be used by God, and to mature in their spiritual walk. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for teaching, for evidence of conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect (come to full maturity) thoroughly furnished unto all good (useful) works. “ (2 Timothy 2:16-17) The opposite is true for those that do not allow the word of God to enter into their hearts as well as their minds.  They will not be taught, corrected, convicted or instructed in righteous nor be equipped for kingdom work.

A casual reading of the word will provide for great stories of adventure, betrayal, broken covenants and healed hearts, but beyond the surface is everything we need to become mature saints. While reading through the stories ask the Spirit how the word relates to you in your current situation, regardless of how good or bad it may seem.  There is always something the Spirit is trying to get across to the children of God.

Without the word penetrating the depths of our flesh we will be tossed to and fro by every wind of teaching that comes from the heart of man rather than the Spirit of the Living God.  We are His workmanship and it is His desire that all of His children mature into the full stature of Jesus Christ. This maturity has nothing to do with how others judge us or how well we appear on the surface; it has everything to do with how we are changed on the inside.

Let the word of God teach you in all the things; let it sink deep as you ponder the underlying principles for it will bring an inner change that reflects the Glory of God, as a light to the whole world!

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