Sunday, January 17, 2016

Let's Dance

There are so many things in this world to enjoy.  And one of those many things is dancing. Have you ever watched young children when music begins to play?  Naturally they begin to move with and to that music.  It is a natural for our bodies to move with rhythm.  As a matter of fact, science tells us that music may in fact trigger sensory neuro centers in your brain causing you to have the desire to move as you anticipate the music.  

Growing up in the church I learned a list of things that I was not allowed to do because it was a sin.  And dancing was one of them.  Now I may offend some of you, but here's the deal.  The list of items that were considered sinful were not necessarily listed as biblical sins.  Instead they were sins that were equated with the particular denomination of Christian church I attended.  In other words, these were man-made rules.  Now before you get excited and think that possibly your church doesn't or hasn't created man-made rules I challenge you to look at the rules of your church. 

Perhaps you will find a rule that says you must pay penance for your sin.  That penance will come at various prices depending on the severity of the sin.  Maybe you will find a verse that says- you shall not dance.  Or the verse that says- instruments are not allowed. Is there a rule that says communion is reserved only for once per year, or once per month, or even every week? The bigger question here is, "what does the bible say?"  Maybe you'll find a rule that says any music that is not Christian music is demonic.  "Absurd!" you say. But oh so true.  

Now don't get excited.  I am not calling out any one denomination.  And I am not going to say that any one of the denominations has it all right. Christianity has spent a lot of time limiting the beautiful gifts given to us by God. But that's not what he called us to do.  He called us to use those gifts to worship him and to spread his message to all the world.  Check out what Pastor Joyce has to say about the dance. 

Let’s Dance
Life is like a dance which is learned as you begin to feel the rhythm and move to the beat. If it becomes a list that instructs every move we would all be like robots; going through the motions and never evolving into the unique pattern of Heaven’s Harmony. 
We have each been programmed with unique abilities, and personalities that cannot be duplicated.  When we attempt to be like someone else and do what they do, we will fail to capture the true energy of the Spirit that dwells in us.
The beat of your drummer may be different than mine, yet the same principles of rhythm are incorporated in the movement and the expression will be distinctively diverse.  When we move to the sound of Heaven for our life we will become one with those whom we share space; in our home, church, city and nation.
The scripture clarifies this in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.  To one person the Spirit give the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge.  The same Spirit gives great faith to another and to someone else the one Spirit gives the gift of healing.  He gives one person the power to perform miracles and another ability to prophesy.  He gives one the ability to discern whether a message is from God or from another spirit.  Still another is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said.  It is the one Spirit who distributes all these gifts.  He alone decides which gift each person should have.

The body of Christ functions perfectly when each member glorifies God with the use of their gifts.  It becomes a dance of Worship before our King…Let’s dance!

Curious about those other non-biblical practices?  Check here: Got Questions?

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