I recently read a facebook post that said, " All I got for Christmas was fat, really fat!" I honestly cracked up! Isn't that what happens to most of us? Christmas is that special time that no matter you socio-economic status you have special things. We get to go to celebration after celebration where we get to EAT! And honestly who doesn't love to eat.
It doesn't take a research scientist to know that too much food makes you fat. And if you are a consumer of research regarding diet and exercise you know that it's not the calories you eat, but the quality of calories you eat. For instance, if you eat a lot of protien you consume 4 calories per gram. Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, and fat contains 9 calories per gram. So what would you eat more of? If it were me, and I didn't know what I know, I'd choose protein and/or carbohydrates. But... that's not the whole story is it?
We can certainly eat the recommended 2000 calories per day. But 2000 calories of candy isn't going to feed our bodies like 2000 calories of a balanced diet made up of the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. We can't possibly eat just one thing. Even the food guide pyramid recommends we eat a variety of foods. And if we don't we become deficient in the essential nutrients required to keep us healthy.
Today's reading from Pastor Joyce talks about our diet. Her teaching today is not about the food that fuels our physical body. Instead, she teaches about the diet that feeds our soul. If you call yourself a Christian, I challenge you to change your diet. Even if just for one month. Happy dieting!
Change Your Diet January 14
Milk is predigested food; it is acquired from another being
after it has been received and then processed through that body. 1 Peter 2:2 states that as new born babes we
should, “desire the sincere milk of the
word that we may grow from it.” In
another verse believers were admonished for their failure to advance beyond
their baby state. It is found in Hebrews
5:12, “You have been believers so long
now that you ought to be teaching others.
Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about
God’s word. You are like babies who need
milk and cannot eat solid food. Someone
who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to use the word.”
There are many Christians that go to church each Sunday and
get fed milk. That is the word of God
that has been ingested by the leadership; it has been chewed, digested and
applied to their life. They in turn
share their lessons with those in attendance.
According to the verse in Hebrews if this is the only food they are
getting they will not advance nor will they grow to full maturity.
Solid food belongs to those that are mature and who exercise
the word in and through their life in every situation. They experience break through and victory and
then teach others. If you, after many
years being a Christian have no victory, no direction toward your destiny, and
fall into continuous discouragement; perhaps it is time to wean yourself of a
pure milk diet and start studying to show yourself approved unto God; a workman
that does not need to be ashamed. You
have the opportunity to become a powerful force against the powers of
darkness. You must get into the Word and
exercise it by faith; then you will become more than a conqueror.
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