Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Build Yourself Up

Whenever we start a new commitment we want to make sure we know exactly what we are starting right?  For instance, we would never take on marathon training if we had never run a mile before.  We wouldn't buy that P90X workout without knowing the time and physical commitment it takes to accomplish it.  And certainly we wouldn't take on a diet without understanding and committing to the sacrifice that we will have to make to achieve the desired weight loss, or would we?

We've all seen those crazy adds- " Lose 30 lbs in 10 days guaranteed!", or "You can have a body like this in just 15 minutes a day!"  So, some of you right now are feeling a little silly because you fell for the sales.  Heck! So did I.  In an effort to lose weight for a special day, I have taken on some pretty crazy diets and even some workouts.  If you've read any of my former blogs you might be wondering how I could have possibly been taken by such quackery.  

Well, I will be honest. I just simply didn't take the time to research and learn the facts on weight loss.  In an essence I forgot to build up my knowledge base so I wouldn't be taken by false claims.  Now, to be even more honest, in the back of my mind I was skeptical, but in my laziness, I had let myself go long enough that I didn't have much time and was quite desperate to reach my goal without the hard work and in a very short time span.  And of course, anyone who has been alive for any amount of time knows that this is absolute against research, reason, and in many cases possibilities. 

When we don't do our research we can put ourselves in danger.  Quite possibly we can put our health in such danger as to do permanent damage.  Crash diets, workouts that are outside our skill-set, and even money making quick fixes end up going by the wayside at great cost to us.  Pastor Joyce encourages us to Build ourselves up spiritually as well.  

All too often we've seen someone follow some crazy teaching that draws us completely away from our faith.  As a matter of fact, so many Christians have left the church or even denied the faith because they have been "taken" by a false teacher or a false doctrine. There is only one way to really be safe from those whose who would want to take advantage of the unknowing.  Its building yourself up in the faith.  Pastor Joyce's words today hit right at the heart of it. 

Build Yourself Up January 12

In the short letter from Jude, he warns against false teachers.  These are not necessarily teachers who set out to present a false doctrine but have slipped from a walk of faith and dependence on the Spirit to relying on the flesh.  In so many words he calls these teachers nominal Christians; those who do not have the Spirit are false teachers and should be called to accountability.

Jude warns what will happen to those who attempt to walk out their spiritual lives in unbelief citing instances from the Old Testament where God brought judgment on those who refused to place their trust in Him.

Jude gives the anecdote for the destructive nature of the flesh in the midst of ministry in verses 20-25, “But, you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.  And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.  Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,”

Jude admonishes us to keep it together with the love of God which covers a multitude of sin and sets the course of mercy to penetrate the lives of those who are caught up in themselves; trying to do the work of God without God.  When we are built up in the most holy faith we are well equipped to build others up and as Jude intimates in His letter, “Snatch them from the fire of judgment.”

Sometimes it is easy to get side tracked by the agenda that is set before us and forget the weightier measures we are called to – namely the equipping of the saints for ministry.

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