Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Blessing and Cursing

Have you ever heard the saying, " Karma's a B...."?  Well you know what it says.  There are several other sayings that mean the same thing, " what goes around comes around", "you get what you give","you reap what you sow" and so on.  

I can't count the number of times I've heard these phrases in my life.  Each time they are uttered it's because someone has acted like a jerk.  One time one of my nephews was talking about a man who was abusive and often acted stupidly.  He said, "and he got Karma'd"  I chuckled at the saying.  I hadn't heard that before.  But isn't it true.  Eventually life returns to reward us with whatever it is we have coming to us.  

Have you ever wondered about how your words impact others?  I will be honest and say that I have given very little thought to the words from my mouth other than swearing (cussing if your from the South), yelling, or being abusive.  Since these are not extreme concerns regarding my speech, I never considered anything else to be of issue. 

Then, dun, dun, dun, I read Pastor Joyce's word for the day.  She provides a little bit of insight into how our words impact others.  Enjoy as you read blessing and cursing through a new pair of lenses. 

Blessing and Cursing
As born again believers we must realize that we are one with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, existent in two worlds; the physical world and the spiritual world.  Our spiritual man came to life when we believed the Gospel message and took it into our being. Jesus took back the authority the enemy had in our life and we were born of the Spirit.
Everything we do is indicative of what we believe to be true, and the most telling evidence is what comes out of our mouth.  In chapter three verses 8-10 James says, “No one can tame the tongue; it is restless and evil and full of deadly poison.  Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God.  And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely brothers and sisters this is not right.
We must understand the power of blessing and cursing.  A curse of intimidation comes from words spoken over us, they may come from an innocent remark by a person meaning no harm but they wound our spirit because we have become expert in refusing the blessing given by God, or God’s spokesman toward us.  The enemy’s forces then use the words to rob us from the destiny of God’s plan.

The words from our mouth make a declaration in the heavenliest and either angels or demons are dispatched to bring into existence that which was spoken forth into the atmosphere.  So be careful what you say about yourself or others.  And take authority over the curses spoken over you or by you. Authority can reverse any curse by saying a prayer like this. “In the name of Jesus I renounce all curses I have put on myself or others, my family, my body, my business, or your kingdom and I thank you for setting me free.” Say it again and again until it sinks into your spirit.cC

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