Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Look to Jesus- the story of Greatness

Have  you ever had one of those days where you feel absolutely exhausted and wonder to yourself, where am I going with this?  What is the purpose?  I believe at certain points in our lives many of us think these thoughts.  Maybe not on a daily basis, but instead when we become tired, overwhelmed, or plain exhausted.  There are even times when we think, "forget it!" And we reflect on our priorities only to gain that second wind and press on toward the "finish line".

Recently I heard about some of the heroes in our history.  Men who, despite obstacles, despite the cost to their own health and welfare, persevered and stood where others might fall.  Eric Metaxis, author of Seven men and the Secret of their Greatness, shared the story of two very famous men in our history.  Two men who sacrificed more than we could ever imagine so that we would be the America that we are today.  The first was George Washington.

Now in recent years we've heard that Washington was a slave owner and the argument that, if he was a slave owner, he could not have possibly been a good or great man.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not, nor have I ever been a proponent of slavery. However, we should never diminish a man's contribution to who we are today based on the culture of the time in which he lived.  What we don't hear though is that his views on slavery leaned toward abolition.  As I listened I found it interesting about George Washington was that he was not only tempted to be America's King, but he refused it. Instead he fought for democracy at any cost. He did much for building the infrastructure of the American Government and was even asked to sit for a third term.  Instead he felt that it was time for him to step down.  "Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

His parting words as President were,

The second man that he talked about was Jackie Robinson.  He spent the majority of his major league career playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers.  But the sacrifice to get there was far more than any of us could ever imagine.  He is known as the man who broke the racial barrier in major league baseball.  If you have ever heard or read his story, you know that he sacrificed everything.  Not just for himself, but for all others who would come behind him.

What I found most interesting about these two men, and the other 5 written about by Metaxis was that every single one of them spent time on their knees.  Not in weakness, but in strength.  Their strength was in Christ.  Both men knew that there was something greater than themselves.  And both men contributed to the change of our nation.  We may disagree as to what really made them great.  But I believe the secret to their strength was beyond earthly tenacity.  It was faith.

Both men persevered.  Pastor Joyce writes about the secret to their strength.

Look unto Jesus
That the ‘just shall walk by faith’ is not an issue with those who by ‘faith’ have accepted the sacrifice of the Lamb of God to take away their sins and prepare a place in heaven for us.  We are simply challenged to know how to do that on a consistent basis.

The entire eleventh chapter of Hebrews is given to provide examples of men and woman as ordinary as we are that have gone before us and completed their course.  In the first two verses of Hebrews 12 we are given the answer, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside ever weight and sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”Hebrews 12:1

When we set aside those things that carry us off the mark of reaching the plans already written for our life we don’t consider them.  We will stumble, and fall but we will get up again because ‘it’s not over’. God will get the glory as we endure to the end (not in our strength but in His); for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has ordained beforehand that we should walk in them.

When we focus our attention on Jesus who places faith in us and makes it complete in us we do not allow our faults and failures to determine our destiny.  Jesus has already done everything we just look at Him we see what He has accomplished in us and keep on going.  We run with patience and one day we will cross the finish line and lay our crowns at His feet giving Him all the praise and glory.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Spirit of a Mother's Heart

Today I spent a wonderful day being blessed by my husband and my three children.  They adorned me with their time, gifts from the heart.  Each one gave exactly the perfect gift.  Truth be told, the greatest gift of all is hearing their voices and admiring the men and women they have grown up to be.  It is honestly one of my greatest joys.  And even more-

so, to share that with my husband as we have transitioned into the next season of our lives. 

I remember of the years as my family grew and I branched away from home hearing my mom say the very same thing.  I would ask her often what she wanted for mother's day, her birthday, or Christmas.  She never asked for anything but was always grateful for everything we gave her. One day I asked her again what she wanted and her reply was, "nothing, I have everything I ever wanted in you three girls".  

What she taught us over the years was to truly follow the one commandment that comes with a promise.  " Honor your mother and father that your days may be long on the land the Lord your God has given you" Exodus 20:12.  She also taught us to obey our parents which comes from Ephesians 6:1.  Even to this day as I write this, I didn't have to look up the exact words.  I was simply able to quote them. 

What was so beautiful is that she instilled this in us to such an extent that in all that I did I wanted to honor her.  As a matter of fact, the writing of this very blog is just that.  To honor her by publishing her writings.  Today she writes of the Spirit of a Mother's heart. 

The Spirit of a Mother’s Heart by Joyce Wyrostek May 2012
A number of the attributes of the Holy Spirit are seen in and reflected through the interaction between a mother and her child.  When the Holy Spirit resides in the heart of a woman she will nurture her child to be a seeker and lover of God’s own heart.

Isaiah 49:15 begs the question, “Can a mother forget the child whom she has nursed, or not feel compassion for the one she carried in her womb?”  In the same way the Spirit of God gives us life.  He is the breath of God, and the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ.  Without Him we can do nothing but with Him there is no limit to what we can accomplish.

So it is with a mother who encourages her child to be all that they can be; who never loses her attachment to the seed of her womb.  Jesus said He will never leave us nor forsake us but will be with us to the end of the age.  And it is equally present a mother’s heart, it is impossible for her to sever the ties that she feels for her own. 

The enemy would have us believe otherwise for if our mother would abandon us what hope do we have of the Spirit of God lifting us up.  But the Bible says such a thing is impossible; if at any time a child who felt abandoned by a mother would reach out for the mothers love she would freely give it regardless of the breach that may be present between them.

Truth be told, there is nothing, no matter how bad it may seem that will ever be able to separate the love and longing in a mother’s heart for the life of her children.  The Bible says there is nothing fiercer than a bear robbed of her cubs.  Mother’s do not allow for the mistreatment of their children without a fight.  Today is the day to honor the mother who would lay down their life for you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fear v Faith- Being Courageous

Every day we face moments that allow us to be defined by our next move.  In business sometimes we have to have that courageous conversation with an employee who is not performing satisfactorily.  As educators we have to talk with parents of an under performing student. Coaches tell their athletes where they need to improve.  And there are even those times when we have to tell be completely honest with a friend or family member about their behavior.

The bottom line is choosing the right conversation for the right time.  Sometimes remaining silent is the easy thing to do.  Other times it is exactly what needs to happen.  But the times when you need to speak up are sometimes the hardest.  Usually, when we choose to remain silent it is because we fear the outcome.  The scenarios of what will happen run through our head.  " Will she hate me?"  "Will I get fired?" " Will they ever speak to me again?"  None of that matters though if remaining silent will cause more harm than to take the chance to change someones life by simply telling the truth.

When we think about the first scenarios we understand that an under performing employee has a negative impact on business.  If we ignore an under performing student and say nothing, he or she will fail.  Coaches want their athletes to be the best and must, in some instances, be brutally honest.  And in relationships with friends and family, to remain quiet strains everything.

Pastor Joyce provides us with a great teaching on fear vs faith.  As you read  her words today, think about a time when fear may have stopped you from something that you are absolutely called to do. Maybe its a conversation that will be extremely difficult.  No matter what, FEAR NOT.....

Fear vs. Faith by

Joyce Wyrostek April 27
Fear by definition is: a distressing negative sensation by a perceived threat; it is an innate emotion that almost always relates to future events such as worsening of a situation, or continuation of a situation that is unacceptable.  God says, “Fear not” 365 times in the scripture, so obviously it is an emotion that can be overcome.

Fear is the antithesis of faith and only the faith of God, that which is born in us at our spiritual re-birth can overcome it.  Faith is a characteristic of one who is justified and made righteous by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We do not overcome fear by the works of the flesh as the world would have us believe by proclaiming that we must face our fear if we are ever to overcome it.

When the just walk by faith as declared in scripture it means that fear has been cast out, and we can walk in complete confidence and trust that God is willing and able to do all that He says He will do; “With man it is impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible.”(Mark 10:27)
Every time fear overtakes our emotions it causes us to be anxious and we are hindered from doing the will of God in our life.  God does not ask us to do anything that He is not capable of doing through us.  Our fear then comes from thinking that God wants us to do a thing that we cannot do, and thus He cannot do.

What we often fail to realize is that faith is a gift from God.  The minute we say, “Yes Lord” he gives us the ability and capability to perform whatever feat it is that He is asking. And more often than not it is supernatural and bypasses our natural thought processes.  If we ponder a thing long enough we can always come up with logical reasons not to follow through with the original God breathed plan.  

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Double Minded

We all know that person who we would call "wishy washy". They can never seem to make up their mind about anything.  They seem indecisive, and question themselves constantly.  There is that moment when they are constantly angst, second guessing everything, and you want to yell, "Stop!  You know what is right.  You've  got this!"

It is so odd that I write this, because this is exactly who I have been as a runner lately.  I have been a runner since I was 12 years old.  Never in my life did I worry.  I just trusted the coaches, God, and used the gift of running to Glorify him.  Somehow, somewhere I lost sight of that.  What is even more interesting is that Pastor Joyce has passed away her words seem to be ready for this very day.  Right there to say- Stop! You know what to do!  You've got this! I'm sure they are not only helpful to me, but I am guessing they are helpful to someone else as well.  She never wrote a blog without praying first that it would be exactly what the reader needed.  

What is even more interesting is that as I write each of these blogs, I am taking Pastor Joyce's writing in chronological order.  I do not choose one writing to fit my mood for the day, but rather allow my writing to fit her words.  Her writing about faith in God and trusting his promises is unwavering.  She was a woman who never seemed to worry.  Though I know that when she did she would sing.  One of her favorite songs had the words, "Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, lift up  your voice to God.  Pray in the spirit and with understanding, Oh magnify the Lord".  You see, even when she doubted, she would shake off the doubt and focus on God and his promises.

As you read her teaching today, I encourage you to reflect on an area in your life where you are "wishy washy" aka double minded.  And give it to God!

Double Minded By Joyce Wyrostek April 21

In the first chapter of James we read, “If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who give to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  But let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:5-6)
It is quite comfortable for us to quote the word back to God and remind him of His promises to us and perhaps even expect that we will be perpetually blessed. Our faith is often activated by a powerful message from the pulpit and we are ready to receive only to be left unsatisfied at the altar.
We need wisdom to discern what it is that is hindering the appropriation of our blessing and so we go to God and hear nothing.  Somewhere lingering in the subconscious is a deceptive spirit that has caused us to doubt in our heart, which according to James makes us double minded tossed like the waves in the ocean.
A double minded person leans on their own understanding and confuses their own wisdom or the wisdom of others as that of God.  We can’t decipher the voices instructing our heart and peace escapes us; confusion takes over and we abandon our search of truth.  It is in this state that we are ineffectual and cannot be used by God to advance His Kingdom.
This may be caused by iniquity hidden in our hearts over past offenses, disappointments (even with God), unforgiveness, or other strongholds in the recesses of our hearts.  The Holy Spirit is on call 24/7 to reveal anything and everything that we need to come undefiled into the throne of grace and receive the instruction needed to have perfect fellowship with the Father and acquire the wisdom that only He can give.  Let’s quiet ourselves before the Lord with a humble and contrite spirit so we can activate Kingdom principles in perfect love.

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Future

I've come across many people in my life as an athlete.  Those who were so afraid to try something that that they defeated themselves before they even started, and those who knew absolutely no fear.  Regardless of their disposition, their thoughts catapulted them to a future of athletic success or athletic failure.

Today I came across a preacher who summed up our future outcome in one sentence.  "Our habitual thoughts about ourselves are our identity". He basically summed up the verse, "for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7).  In non-Christian circles this is often referred to as the self-fulfilling prophecy. He did not tell us anything that has not been preached, researched or pondered over the years.  But he did remind us that whatever we focus on will direct path throughout life.

As a chubby little girl, I learned how to run.  Not just run, but run fast.  My goal was to win.  Never in my life did I think I would go on to be a regional champion, an all-conference runner, nor did I think that the times I ran were really fast.  I just wanted to run fast and win.  I had several people in my life tell me that I couldn't do "you name it".  Had I believed that, I would truly not be who I am today.  Instead I believed that I could do anything God set before me as long as I trusted him to bring me through.

Pastor Joyce writes a fabulous piece on achieving what God has set before us in the future.

The Future
“For I know the thoughts I think toward you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”(Jeremiah 29:11) We are on a brief journey through life on earth; in the process of learning to rule and reign with Jesus Christ.  This is a perilous trek through land mines, and booby traps, with arrows flying in every direction.

To make it through God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us (John 14:16), armor to shield us (Ephesians 6:10-18), a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) that can discern the tactics of the enemy, and a powerful weapon to bring total victory.  During the fight we must ever be mindful that there is always a future ahead of us.

At times we are tempted to think we can coast up a mountain, or drift up stream; neither can happen because when we lay our weapon down, or cease to engage in the battle we will lose our focus on the hope that lies within us and the future that has been prepared before the foundations of the earth were laid.

The future doesn’t just fall on us or overtake us in time; we are called to make the future happen by engaging in the now with every bit of energy bestowed on us by God our maker.  Daily we are to cultivate a relationship with the King.  It is in the step by step process that we learn what the future holds and what part we are destined to play in it.  As long as we have breath there will always be that great hope within us.

 When we place our faith and trust in God and know that what He says He will do, we strike a blow against the enemy and  promised peace in the midst of every storm. If we allow ourselves to get lazy, lethargic, or apathetic we will become pathetic representative of the destiny driven purpose of the Kingdom of God.  The future is what we make it, in His strength, and the power of His might – Thus we must be fully engaged in living.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


That moment when you are too smart for your own good.  Yes that moment happens to all of us regardless of our gifts.  This past weekend I ran the Big D half marathon.  I ran horribly.  I was trained well enough to run a good race.  But I got in my own head.  You see, there is a danger to being accomplished in anything.  We start to trust our own knowledge and the things we've studied.  And while this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it can certainly get in our way.

As I was running I was calculating my splits, as I began to  tire I quickly started to think about the lactate thresh hold that I had been reading about this past week.  I thought for sure that was happening to me.  So.. I got discouraged. Dumb! Next,  I began to reflect on my recent runs that were exactly race pace.  My 15K race the week before provided an indication that there would be no problem.  As a matter of fact I calculated that if I ran my 15K pace exactly and ran my last 3.8 miles in 34 minutes I would have run a PR.  Instead I began to doubt my training.  Then I started to worry when my legs felt like they were cramping.  Finally, I walked twice totaling a half mile which robbed me of my PR.

What I did though, was defeat myself in my own thinking at mile 8.  Why?  Because I was literally over-analyzing. At mile 10 my sister's words ran through my head, " Quit over-analyzing and just run!"  Once I did that, I completed my race just fine.  2:05.27.  This is 8 minutes slower than my best.  A race I truly had not trained properly for, but one that I clearly didn't know better. So I didn't have a chance to get in my own head.

This can often be the problem with us when we are well versed in areas of our lives.  We begin to think we know everything (presumption) and often get in our own way.  Story of my life! Sometimes we even take the things we know about God like his holiness and his grace or his expectations for us,  and we make up our own rules.  This can be very dangerous as we run the risk of becoming moralists rather than being Christians.  Moralists tend to follow rules and impose sanctions on others while losing sight of God's plan.  Jesus did not tell us to go ye therefore and judge one another.  Instead he told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel, baptizing in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit (Mark 16:15).  By presuming, we lose sight of the purpose for whatever we are doing.

When that happens and we reach that area of presumption, sometimes we need to step back and just simply ask God for guidance, wait for the answer, and be patient.  Like my race, in which I knew what to do, but instead of trusting a process (my training), I presumed I was failing, thus I employed all kinds of stupid thinking and simply defeated myself.  Pastor Joyce writes of Presumption at it's finest in both the old and new testament.  Her words are bold and give us pause. As you read today, think about areas in your life where you just "presumed" because you forgot to be patient and simply trust in the plan.

Presumption- Joyce Wyrostek April 11

God was very specific when He gave instruction to Saul, through the prophet Samuel, about how He wanted the Amalekites dealt with.  Saul did what He was commanded to do with one small twist; he made an executive decision that cost him the throne.

God knows what we do not know and when He gives a command He wants it done His way.  We do not know the hearts or obvious wickedness of the Amalekites, all we know is that judgment was pronounced against them when the Israelites were in the wilderness and it led to their ultimate destruction.  It is difficult for us in our finite wisdom to understand the righteous judgment of God so presumption could get us in trouble.

Imagine if Jesus while in the Garden of Gethsemane had decided that divine intervention would have proven to the world that God is all powerful.  In Matthew 26:53-54, when Peter came to His defense against His accusers Jesus said, “Do you suppose that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will immediately provide me with twelve legions (about 80,000) of angels? How then should the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must come about this way?”

At any time Jesus could have asked for a plan B, but there was no other way, and He was totally

submitted to the will of God spoken in the word of God.  God has not changed and is never changing in the sovereignty of His plan for all mankind.  He has a people (those who place their total trust and faith in Jesus) in whom He has made righteous to carry out His will on earth.

If we presume to know more than God as Saul did; he chose which of the enemy should be destroyed and saved the good for a sacrifice to God. All seemed right until he heard the words, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.  For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim (good luck images).” I Samuel 15:22-23

Obedience is Key!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Youth Renewed

 Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth.  Trees begin to bud, flowers begin to bloom, we get allergies... I kid! Actually, it is a time for everything to begin anew.  In the mid-west and north east the snow  begins to melt, the air begins to smell fresh and beautiful, and the sun shines for more hours in the day.  In the south the flowers begin to bud and everything gets much greener.  The weather is perfect as it isn't too hot yet to enjoy, and its a perfect time of the year for outdoor activities. 

Sounds like a facebook post doesn't it?  Everything is perfect.  No one has any struggles, and life is picture perfect.  All of us know that isn't reality though.  We know that good things aren't simply free.  As a matter of fact, if we want to earn something good or great, we need to put in effort and hard work to achieve our goals.  Some might call this our passion.  Our passions can take pain and sacrifice that no-one ever really sees.   Whatever we choose to become requires dedication and time.  Not to mention sacrifice and possibly even some pain.  

Pastor Joyce writes of this in Youth Renewed.  she discusses the pain, dedication, and sacrifice one must take for renewal and growth.  As you read her word today I encourage you to ponder which race you choose to run.  Are you renewed daily?

Youth Renewed by Joyce Wyrostek-April 4

The Psalmist says of the Lord in Psalm 103:5 it is He who, “satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.”  Every promise of God is yes and amen, but they don’t automatically fall on us from heaven so we can live a struggle free life; biding time until we have run the course of life.  We are called to go in and possess the promises. This requires the process of thought captivity, study, mediation, and dedication.
Consider this about the eagle: It can live up to seventy years. But to reach this age the eagle must make a hard decision in his forties.  It’s long and flexile talons can no longer grab prey which serves as food. Its long and hard beak becomes bent. Its old-aged and heavy wings due to their thick feathers become stuck to its chest and make it difficult to fly.

Then the eagle is left with only two options; die or go through a painful process of change that lasts 150 days. The process requires that the eagle fly to the top of the mountain and sit on its nest. There the eagle knocks its beak against the rock until it plucks it out. After it is plucked out the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its talons.

When the talons are gone, new ones grow in their place at which time the eagle will begin pulling out its old-aged feathers and after five months the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and lives for another 30 years.

Like the eagles we can choose to live a life that is long vibrant and productive.  And like the eagle we must go through the process of change. Ours is not one every so many years, our renewal is a daily process; some of the changes are painful and we struggle to continue until the process is complete.  But as we persevere we will see the effectiveness of renewal.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Preparation Time

Are you prepared?  That is always an interesting question.  Am I prepared for the marathon that I have entered in June?  To be honest yes?  I am prepared to the extent I can be at this point in the training plan.  I took the time to discover what plan I would need in order to run the coveted time I hope to achieve and have set my course.  So yes.  I am prepared.

But what about other areas of my life?  Am I prepared to handle financial stress?  Or am I prepared to handle losing a job, my health faltering, losing a family member, celebrations such as births, weddings, etc?  That is always a great question! And honestly, there are times in my life where I just don't want to plan and I just want to go with the flow.  Don't tell me you haven't felt that way too, because we all get there.  Sometimes we are in need of a few days to just let our hair down.  And then... we get back to the schedule of life and focus on our day to day lives.

We also know that if we are not careful, and enjoy that break too long it can come back to bite us.  Pastor Joyce has a few things to say about preparation time.  

Preparation Time March 
By Joyce Wyrostek
Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “...remember it is He (God) that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore unto your fathers. " We know that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and that as we have been faithful, God is going to bring blessings that we cannot contain.  This is truth and should capture our immediate attention because it is coming.

Wealth in the hands of men without definite purpose, lack of self-control, or of poorly regulated passions can be a detriment and a snare.  History has shown us that wealth poured out for ministry for those unprepared, was used for personal pleasure and has destroyed good men and women of God. They were simply not prepared to handle large sums of money at one time.

We have the promise of God to supply all of our needs according to His riches in Glory and I’m certain that we see that happening all the time in our life.  We have just enough to keep a roof over our heads and food in our belly plus enough left to occasionally enjoy frivolous spending.  But if we have been locked in a poverty mindset for an extended period of time and have no direct purpose or vision for the use of great wealth how can we be trusted to use it according to God’s intended purpose?

Each of us need to find a time with God so He can reveal His will and purpose for our life, that we may develop the vision, and as a pastor friend of mine ( Jim) quotes from Habakkuk “Write the vision and make it plan so those who read it will run toward it.” What part does He want you to play in this great distribution of wealth?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Devine Positioning

Divine Positioning

Most days as I write this blog, I share something current and then add the teaching of Pastor Joyce as a word to think on or ponder.  Today however this piece is different.  Pastor Joyce's words, though written four years ago, align with what is going on in the world today.   She writes:

"We must realize and get it imbedded in our hearts and minds that we are not just positioned where we are to build a church and get people saved.  We are where we are to expand the kingdom of God through dominion in the seven arenas that shape society; media, government, education, economy, religion, arts and family; if the devil controls these sectors darkness abounds.  The reason he has such a foothold at this time is because the Christians have abandoned their post by believing we are “not in this world” for any other reason than to be blessed and hang on till the rapture comes."

I believe many of us struggle with this.  As a Christian I spent many years feeling guilty because I was not in a specific church ministry.  I can honestly say, that church is not where I've felt called to serve.  Through the years I've worked with children who have been hurt, abused, neglected, and less fortunate.  As a result I loved them for who they are and taught them that they are worthy of love.  Several of them over the years would see my bible on my desk and ask me about it or inquire about my faith.  I only shared when they asked, and never pushed the boundaries of what is allowed in a public school.  One day I was bemoaning the fact that I should be more involved in the church.  I remember Pastor Joyce listening quietly and then gently reassuring me.  She said, "you are the church and you have been called to share Christ wherever he places you".  She explained that all of us are strategically positioned to be influence to those around us.  I love this next piece in her daily word:

"The exciting thing about this is we are a part of this strategic positioning in order to step into areas of influence taking the gospel with us.  God is pouring out His favor on current leaders and those that are climbing the ranks to the top until the Kingdom of God is established on the earth (“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”).  God has his Josephs, Esthers, and Daniels already in place and in an instant He will change the tide and those in holding patterns will be brought to the forefront. Through favor these men/women of God saved nations from disaster.  They lived their lives in complete trust in the God who saw to it they were positioned for His purpose and not one of them was made leader of a Christian nation…They led pagan nations – because it’s not God’s will that any should perish.  

How cool is this?  I believe the ultimate meaning of Go into all the world and preach the gospel... Mark 16:15, is written in her word for today.  As Christians it is not ours to hide in the backdrop.  It is not ours to ignore what's going on as long as it doesn't affect us personally.  But as Christians we are to take a place of influence in our world and share the love of Christ.  

As you enter into this week just before Easter, I encourage you to ponder, "What has God called me to do?"  And then do it with all your might!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Just a Thought

Well, yesterday was Super Tuesday.  We got to see some tempers flair, some people show their true selves, and others throw out garbage on the internet through social media.  I don't even need to share the headlines because I am sure you have seen all of them and then some.  

A friend of mine shared a thought that during the Republican debate the other day we saw history made.  Not history that would be in textbooks, or history that would make us proud.  But entertainment history.  She said that the debates were like watching a reality TV show where people simply are not mature enough to handle themselves and argued like a bunch of "fools" throwing meaningless insults at one another.  As a matter of fact, it was reported that there was really nothing of substance discussed as the candidates just spewed off foolish drivel toward one another.  One candidate even asked to be insulted so he could join the conversation.

Then there was the vote last night.  After the vote, there were clearly hurt egos as candidates continued to hurl slurs at one another.  There are very few people who are not dismayed by this behavior.  But...the vote is not done.  It is not over yet. Primary elections have to be completed throughout the United States.  With that in mind I just can't help but encourage people to vote with their eyes wide open.  Pastor Joyce shares some insight into the heart of the man.  Maybe as we choose our candidates, we need to ask who they are, what they believe, and what they are really saying.  Check out what she writes considering our thoughts and our actions. 

Just a Thought March 3

Solomon in all his wisdom penned the words in Proverbs 23:7, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...” Thousands of thoughts pass through our minds daily; we cannot stop them from coming but we can choose whether they will enter our heart or not.  Most thoughts are benign until they are entertained; the way we entertain them will bring us either life or death; a hardened or softened heart.
Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established.” 
(Established means firmly fixed, unshakable, unmovable); therefore we can build a positive stronghold. This takes work and is a possibility for every believer.  We say, “Whose report will you believe? We will believe the report of the Lord.  In order to believe the report of the Lord we must know what that report is and receive it, speak it, and meditate on it until it moves from a thought and takes residence in the heart.

Paul in the first chapter of Ephesians says that when God raised Christ from the dead he, “…seated Him (Christ) at  His (The Father’s) right hand in heavenly places, far above all principalities and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.”  He goes on to state in Chapter 2:6, “and raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

What that means to us is that every bit of authority Christ has imparted to Him in that right hand position is ours also.  It is in this place that we are given the thoughts of God toward any matter that affects the world we live in. 

Every thought that is contrary to what God’s word says is either from our own opinion or that of the enemy. That is why the Spirit says we must , “Cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captive to the obedience of Christ.” Ponder that!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Knowledge Without Truth- How do you make your Decisions?

I am re-posting this as today is Super Tuesday.  I could not think of anything better to write for a day when we get to choose.  We get to choose who will be on the presidential ticket as the man or woman who will run for president.  As you read today, I encourage you to ask yourself, " How much of what I know is actually the truth?"  

Good luck as you make your decisions today. 

Today I voted.  No, I will not divulge who I voted for.  I will say though that as the Presidential race heats up and as the candidates vie for our votes, I encourage you to research and seek the truth.  I have heard statements like, " I'm voting for Hillary because we need our first woman president."  I've also heard, " I'm voting for Trump because he's not a career politician."  Both statements are beyond absurd.  This is not to say that Hillary or Trump are the better candidate.  However, the reasoning behind either statement is not founded in truly knowing what either candidate stands for. 

I am a social media person as well as one who watches television, reads several online journals and newspapers, and I follow news outlets such as the BBC, Al Jazeera, the New York Times, Dallas Morning News, and several bloggers on twitter.  What I've noticed are sensational headlines that set out to discredit or bring some crazy accusation against a candidate.  You've read them I'm certain.  " Trump reveals the Illuminati", " Carson lied about his scholarship to West Point", " Bernie Sanders is proposing a tax increase if elected president", "If Hillary was telling the truth about wall street speeches she'd release them", " Cruz lies to voters telling them Carson has dropped out of the race".  The headlines go on and on. Some make us angry, some make us laugh, and after a while they desensitize us completely. But as you dissect each headline they all have this in common.  Each one is an effort to divide us from the truth.  The wise will seek the real truth, and be able to read through the headlines in order to make a decision for themselves. 

Pastor Joyce teaches us how knowledge without truth only serves to draw us down a path of ill informed decision making.  Before you read her teaching I leave you with this thought. As you cast your ballot during the primary season, make sure you know the truth about who you are voting for.  Don't let a headline or popular opinion draw the conclusion for you. Make sure you are so informed about the candidate that if you had to defend your choice, you would be able to convince anyone else to vote for your candidate. 

Knowledge Without Truth
The Apostle Paul warns Timothy that in the last days there will be those who will be so ‘self’ consumed they will have a form of godliness but do not love God.  He says of this kind that they are, “learning, learning ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.”
Jesus said in John 16:13, “However, when He the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

Leaders in the Church and members in general may have the ability to quote ever passage of scripture and from their own acquired knowledge know more than most.  These scholars may have studied for years yet they still don’t know the truth.  They may impress the masses with their ability to explain the original Hebrew and Greek relating to the text but still don’t know the truth.

The truth of the scripture and that which makes it a living word; applicable to all current day issues, is only received and discerned by the Spirit.  We are told to test all the spirits that are speaking; this too can only be comprehended by the Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is in us, but if we never listen to what He has to say about interpretation and application of the word we will fall into the same type of godliness that Paul describes to Timothy.  “They creep into households and make captives of the gullible loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.

When we read the scriptures and study text we must always seek the Holy Spirits guidance so that in these last and perilous times we are hearing what God is doing and can ignore the voices that seem to be godly but have no knowledge of truth.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Rugged Individualism

One of the greatest things about being an American is that we get to be individuals.  America was founded on a desire to seek freedom from state imposed regulations that served an Aristocracy rather than one that served the people.  The preamble to our constitution says, "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

This preamble along with the constitution of the United States of America has given us the right to choose our leaders.  This week we enter into the week of Super Tuesday.  This is a week where we get to choose the candidates who will run for the office of president.  What we need to remember is that in America we get to be individuals.  We can vote for anyone we want.  And we can make decisions based on faith, on a gamble, on popular opinion, by being informed through research, you name it.  As American's we are not held the decision of the leader of the country.  We are truly one of the few countries that has this privilege. 

So what is the purpose of sharing this with you?  As Christians we have this right to individualism because we are Americans.  As Americans we are beyond blessed to have the freedom to live as Christians.  And in both cases we are charged with making decisions not just in accordance with our desires, but in accordance with the one whom we serve.  

 If you are a Christian I encourage you today to take some time to really pray about who you should vote for.  We do have the power to make a name for ourselves.  Not a name that slings mud, not a name that would hurt others through judgmental rhetoric, but a name that honors the one we serve.  I encourage you today to  make a name for yourself.  Step outside the mess and choose to be a rugged individual.   But don't do it for fame or fortune.  Choose it to honor the one who gives you the true freedom.  

Pastor Joyce shares what Rugged Individualism in the Christian faith really looks like.  

Rugged Individualism- Joyce Wyrostek February, 29

In our western culture and many other nations of the world we honor the ones how have made a ‘name’ for themselves and become embedded in history.  The world exalts sports heroes, lawless gangsters, movie stars who play a part yet do not have any idea who they are. In essence we envy the rugged individual who beats the odds of defeat through sheer determination.

Book stores are filled with best sellers that have titles such as;  How to Learn a Language in 30 days, 21 Days to Emotional Freedom, 10 Steps to Building a Successful Business, How to Cast Vision and Set Goals.  This is only a brief list, indicating there is no limit to anyone who will put their mind on what they want and go after it in hot pursuit.

The people of such a culture frown on the one who chooses to humble himself in the sight of the Lord.  Those who decide to pursue the plans of God declared in Jeremiah 29:11 are scoffed at , ridiculed and labeled as weak and out of touch with reality.

The Kingdom of God is the antithesis of the kingdom of darkness.  Jesus did not say His Kingdom would be comprised of individuals with personal agendas.  He said we would be servants, humble and lowly and He would lift us up.  Matthew 23:11-12, “The greatest among you will be your servant.  For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Paul tells us that we are a collective body that becomes one at rebirth in Ephesians 4:5-6, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.” It is in this oneness with the Lord that we are, “…fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies according to the effectual working in the measure of every part” Ephesians 4:16.
In this union we are a force to be reckoned with and the gates of hell will not prevail against us…the only name that will be glorified is the name of Jesus.  Our rugged individualism gives way to robust oneness in the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Knowledge Without Truth

Today I voted.  No, I will not divulge who I voted for.  I will say though that as the Presidential race heats up and as the candidates vie for our votes, I encourage you to research and seek the truth.  I have heard statements like, " I'm voting for Hillary because we need our first woman president."  I've also heard, " I'm voting for Trump because he's not a career politician."  Both statements are beyond absurd.  This is not to say that Hillary or Trump are the better candidate.  However, the reasoning behind either statement is not founded in truly knowing what either candidate stands for. 

I am a social media person as well as one who watches television, reads several online journals and newspapers, and I follow news outlets such as the BBC, Al Jazeera, the New York Times, Dallas Morning News, and several bloggers on twitter.  What I've noticed are sensational headlines that set out to discredit or bring some crazy accusation against a candidate.  You've read them I'm certain.  " Trump reveals the Illuminati", " Carson lied about his scholarship to West Point", " Bernie Sanders is proposing a tax increase if elected president", "If Hillary was telling the truth about wall street speeches she'd release them", " Cruz lies to voters telling them Carson has dropped out of the race".  The headlines go on and on. Some make us angry, some make us laugh, and after a while they desensitize us completely. But as you dissect each headline they all have this in common.  Each one is an effort to divide us from the truth.  The wise will seek the real truth, and be able to read through the headlines in order to make a decision for themselves. 

Pastor Joyce teaches us how knowledge without truth only serves to draw us down a path of ill informed decision making.  Before you read her teaching I leave you with this thought. As you cast your ballot during the primary season, make sure you know the truth about who you are voting for.  Don't let a headline or popular opinion draw the conclusion for you. Make sure you are so informed about the candidate that if you had to defend your choice, you would be able to convince anyone else to vote for your candidate. 

Knowledge Without Truth
The Apostle Paul warns Timothy that in the last days there will be those who will be so ‘self’ consumed they will have a form of godliness but do not love God.  He says of this kind that they are, “learning, learning ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.”
Jesus said in John 16:13, “However, when He the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

Leaders in the Church and members in general may have the ability to quote ever passage of scripture and from their own acquired knowledge know more than most.  These scholars may have studied for years yet they still don’t know the truth.  They may impress the masses with their ability to explain the original Hebrew and Greek relating to the text but still don’t know the truth.

The truth of the scripture and that which makes it a living word; applicable to all current day issues, is only received and discerned by the Spirit.  We are told to test all the spirits that are speaking; this too can only be comprehended by the Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is in us, but if we never listen to what He has to say about interpretation and application of the word we will fall into the same type of godliness that Paul describes to Timothy.  “They creep into households and make captives of the gullible loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.

When we read the scriptures and study text we must always seek the Holy Spirits guidance so that in these last and perilous times we are hearing what God is doing and can ignore the voices that seem to be godly but have no knowledge of truth.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Walk in Love

Today I had the privilege of listening to Monty Williams, the head coach of the New Orleans Pellicans give his wife'e eulogy.  One might wonder how that could be considered a privilege. What I witnessed however was nothing less than.  Monty Williams was widowed last week due to a head on collision.  His wife's death left him to raise 5 children on his own. 

His eulogy paid great homage to his wife.  Greater yet the eulogy honored the God of the universe.  To the Jews he is called Yeshua Hamachiach.  To Christians he is called Jesus Christ. Mr. Williams honored Christ, and honored his wife's service to all that matters in life.   He went on to tell us that we need to pay attention to what really matters. He said, " What Jesus did on the cross...that's what matters." Then he did something incredible.  He expressed Christ's love to the family of the driver of the other car.

His exact words were, “Let us not forget that there were two people in this situation, and that family needs prayer as well,” Williams said. “And we have no ill will toward that family. That family didn’t wake up wanting to hurt my wife. Life is hard — it is very hard — and that was tough. But we hold no ill will toward the Donaldson family.”   

Wow!  this is one of the greatest testaments to walking in love that I have seen in a long time.  Monty Williams could have stood at the pulpit mourning and crying for justice

or wishing ill will on his "enemy".  Instead, he showed grace to a family who is also facing a life without a loved one.  

As you read Walk in Love today, take a moment to remember the grace we have all been given. I encourage you to extend that grace to someone else today.  Even if, in the world's eyes, they don't deserve it. 

Walk in Love Joyce Wyrostek - February 23 
In Ephesians 5:2 Paul says, “And walk in love, as Christ has loved us and has given Himself as an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.”  Loving as Christ loved is a journey of sacrifice beginning with a choice.  We assume that love is a feeling that overtakes us; that when it strikes we have little control over the course it will take.  However in the way that it is addressed throughout scripture love is a choice.
To truly walk in love we set aside self for the sake of another.  Paul states it this way in Philippians 2:3-5, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interest of others.”

There is no pre-packaged formula for loving another.  There is no add and stir recipe for the love of God to gush forth.  We choose to make loving others a priority that is right next to that of loving God.  Jesus commanded (not suggested) in Matthew 22:37-40, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself, On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

When we make the choice and commit ourselves to obeying the command, something supernatural begins to happen within the Spirit man which when yielded to changes our heart and brings the outward flow of what has been worked in the Spirit that we reflect the Love of God through us.  Our difficulty is often we attempt to convey to others something that has not been made complete in us – yet.  As we sit together with Christ in heavenly places we get changed from Glory to Glory – So stay seated and marvel at the Love of God for you first.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Strange Doctrine- Lent

Today's thought is one that may cause you to pause.  It may even make you angry.  Reader beware.  Today's thought will challenge you to look beyond everything you've ever believed an make you think differently.  After reading you may want to respond and engage in dialogue. Or it may make you think, "I'm never reading this blog again!"  In any case please know that this is not meant to divide.  Nor is it meant to offend.  Pastor Joyce was a master at making one stop and pause.  She always sought the truth.  And in seeking the  truth, she made it her mission to share that truth.  

Equally, today's thought is not meant to criticize the tradition of lent.  Nor is it meant to say, don't fast, don't worship, don't draw near God.  Today's thought is to challenge you to seek truth.  Find it, hold tight to it, and never let it go.  Take the challenge.  What do you believe?

Strange Doctrines February 22
The writers of the New Testament letters warn the Christians to stay away from strange doctrines that move followers from the Gospel of Grace to some form of works or religious traditionalism.  Most of these traditions have been in existence for centuries and in religious circles are sacred cows that should not be disturbed.

In the days of separation in the early church this was a crucial breaking away of what was being taught as scripture (mixed with tradition) to embracing a whole new idea of reaching holiness.  Those who believed in Jesus Christ were set free from the vain traditions of men and translated into the kingdom of light where it was clear that there was nothing in man’s mind or tool box of do’s and don’ts that would ever make them right with God.  By faith men believed in the birth, death, and resurrection from the dead for the forgiveness of sin; once and for all.

The line was drawn in the sand and there was an absolute distinction between religion and relationship. We are naturally prone to assume that as great as the cross is; there must be something more that we can do than just believe.  Belief will lead to doing the work of the Father but doing the work of the Father seldom leads to belief.  In John 6:29 Jesus says, “The work of God is this; to believe in the one He has sent.”

Strange doctrines carry people by the masses in the opposite direction and cause them to practice things that have absolutely no scriptural basis except the ones added to make them appear to have a form of godliness – but there is no power to activate change.  Millions of people in cultures around the world have just entered a 40 day observance called Lent.  There is no validation in scripture that this should be observed yet it’s peddled as Christian.  Most blindly follow the observance without ever knowing its true meaning or purpose.  Don’t be led blindly down any path…examine the scripture, build yourself up in the Spirit and listen for the voice of God…He will never lead us astray!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What do you Want?

What do I want?... So many times in my life I have not really been able to answer this question.  Not because I was without direction.  But because I thought I had everything I ever wanted.  That sounds a lot like someone who grew up with an easy life.  But that is not the case. 

We were poor.  Yep, by definition of the federal government, we lived most of our life just below the poverty line.  We were also a bi-cultural home.  My father being half filipino and my mother being white we celebrated all of our ethnic background.  And in fact we faced some prejudice that was directed to isolate us.

What was amazing about my parents though was that they never dwelt on wealth or race.  They never really taught us to see these things as a deficit.  Instead they taught us to embrace who we are and go for it.  My parents taught us one very important skill.  That was the skill of believing that we were capable of anything.  

Though both of my parents did not adhere tightly to the Christian faith, my mother taught us that the gifts we had were for our use to honor God.  So I grew up with this wildly innocent belief and I still adhere to it today.  As a matter of fact I quote the scripture, "With man it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27.  

And because of this faith, I believe I am not even done with what God has in store for me.  As you read what Pastor Joyce wrote for today, think about what God has in store for you?  What is it that you really want?  Or maybe you want nothing for yourself, but have a wish for someone else.

Then take a little time to ask. You never know the answer unless you ask :)

What Do You Want? February 17
Joyce Wyrostek
Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” In the tenth chapter of Mark the last seven verses relate the story of this blind beggar that cries out for Jesus as He is passing by.  Jesus stops and poses that question.  It seemed obvious what the need was but Jesus forces Bartimaeus to define what he wanted from Him.

What if Jesus were to ask you this very same question? Would you be able to spell it out for Him?  Sadly most of us have no idea what we want God to do for us. If we can’t answer thFaith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. If faith is being sure of what we hope for, then being unsure of what we hope for is the antithesis of faith.
is question we are as blind as the beggar asking for sight.  When a dream or vision seems impossible we are prone to let it die and often have the audacity to say, “It must not be God’s will for me” when in reality it is God that gave the dream in the first place. “

Spending time with the Lord in prayer is not simply asking Him meet the needs of Susie, Sally, Jim, and Joe; it often requires definition of the sort that specifically states what you want done in their lives.  This is what develops faith.  Faith results in well-defined prayers and well defined prayers result in a well lived life.

The Bible is full of principles, promises, and patterns that can and will be the definition of our life if we circle those promises, build our faith on them and develop a certainty of what we want for ourselves and others based on each underlying truth.  Let’s not be vague in our prayers, but bold knowing that God will keep His word.  Right now, write down one audacious dream, hope for it, believe for it, and hang on to it until it is miraculously answered.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Transforming Thoughts

It has been a while since my last post.  We've enjoyed the wedding of our oldest son, Valentines Day has come and gone, and now we are in that lull until Spring Break. Sometimes when there is a lull we get caught in that chasm of nothingness that often exists between life events. 
 Transforming your thoughts is such a powerful title for today's word for the day.  As an athlete I have heard so many times, "If you think you can't, your right".  I've also heard it said, " you can do anything you put your mind to".  And then there's the song She's a Wild One, with the lyrics, "when she was three years old on her daddy's knee, he said you can be anything you wanna be".  
At some time in our lives we've all heard that motivational speech, or been encouraged by a parent or a coach.  And each time we heard those inspirational words, we've been charged to move on toward a goal.  But then, time passes, we reach a plateau or come to a set back where something stops us in our tracks and then... we may quit or give up. 
As those days happen we have choices to make.  We can nurse a thought, either negative or positive. Regardless of the direction the thought takes, the more we dwell on it the more it becomes our reality.  
As you read Pastor Joyce's word for the day, I encourage you to transform your thoughts.  Think

Transforming Thoughts February 16
By Joyce Wyrostek
Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as a man thinks in his heart so is he.” The problem with most of us is we don’t think.  We fail to engage our brain before we speak, or act; we go through days, weeks, months and sometimes years unconscious.  If we fail to program the unconscious mind and it leads our conscious actions we will fail to make right choices. By programming the unconscious mind I mean feeding it words and truths related to the Word of God that bring about conscious acts habitually.
Once I was working as a company manager and was directed to go on a thirty day fast.  The Holy Spirit defined the fast this way.   Do not allow a negative thought to remain in your brain for more than 8 seconds, within that time change it to a positive.  The Bible says in Romans 12:2 “Don’t be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” I was about to get some on the job training. The fast was a real challenge because 70,000 thoughts pass through the human brain in a day and are generated from both inside and outside stimuli. 

I struggled a while trying to think of positive input because I worked with a lot of negative people.  So I put them on notice that I was on a fast and said if they had something negative to say to me they had only 4 seconds to get it said so I could have 4 seconds to turn it around.   Here’s an example;   a secretary said, “I feel so tired”. When the thought entered my mind because of her words the only thing I could come up with was, “I’d rather live by faith than try to make it on feelings…the just shall live by faith.” We both laughed.

I had a great time working through the thirty days and sometimes it was exhausting. But in the end I learned that I could control how I thought and my thoughts controlled my actions.  If we don’t discipline our subconscious we can easily fall into negative thinking and become reactive to life. When pushed around by what we see and hear in the natural we will be angry, bitter, blame people for jerking us around and making us feel inferior on the inside.  If we feel inferior on the inside we have no power on the outside.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I've been reading this fantastic book by Christian Moore called the Resilience Break Through. His believes that for a person who is ready to give up the best help they can receive are the skills associated with resilience.  To be resilient means you must lay down your pride and be vulnerable long enough to take the risks necessary to achieve a breakthrough.  

One of my favorite quotes in his book is, " If you are not willing to be wrong and sometimes fail - to be vulnerable and take a risk- you'll never come up with something original".  Moore later adds that in order for one to be vulnerable he or she must first let go of the fixed mind set and trade it for a growth mindset.  He quotes Dr. Carol Dweck saying that, the growth mindset it to "believe that a person's true potential is unknown ( and unknowable)."  

While our true potential may be unknown to us personally, it has been fully planned by the God of the Universe. He has this wonderful plan for our lives that is ours for the taking if we seek him first.  And that moment when we are so down, we just need God, he is there to pick us up and provide us with his promises.  

As I read this book I immediately thought how true it is that resilience is what "gets us through" life.  It is that thing that saves us from the darkest, deepest pit.  And though I have not read far enough into this book to see where Christian Moore draws his resiliency skills from, I kept thinking, "this is biblical, everything he is writing about can be found in the teachings of Jesus."  Pastor Joyce gives us insight into that teaching today in her post  God is Able. Take a moment to find your own resilience as you read her word for the day. 

God is Able February 2
The moment we receive Jesus Christ as the Lord of our life, God starts something in our spirit that He fully intends to complete.  There is only one way to stop the flow of His plan for our life and that is by choosing not to follow the blue print that he has already designed for us from the beginning.
Paul says in his letter to the Philippians, “I am confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Every day, in every way through every situation and circumstance, God is working in us to get our attention so that we will look carefully at the purpose for our life.
Paul also said, “I know who I believe and am fully persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day.” God is able accomplish things beyond what we are even capable of thinking.  Whatever we commit to Him, and leave it with Him, He will make it happen.  It may not happen in ways that we imagine or in the time we expect but by faith we hang onto what we know and we live with expectation that we will live a significant life in the Kingdom of God.

Never allow discouragement or disappointments rob you of the joy of knowing that you were not just saved from hell, you were born with a fabulous meaningful purpose.  At the proper time it will come and will not tarry.  The psalmist said, “I look to the hills, where my help comes from.”  Everything in the Bible was written that our joy might be complete and the joy of the Lord is our strength.  It’s time to get happy.